The EVM-EVM bridging diagram illustrates a process for token transfer across two EVM-compatible blockchains via an interconnected bridge that utilizes both CCIP and Layer Zero for enhanced security and verification.
Burn and Bridge Token: The user burns tokens on the original EVM (EVM1), initiating the bridge process.
Sending Bridge Data: Simultaneously, the Bridge Factory on EVM1 sends the bridge data to both the CCIP and Layer Zero networks.
Claim Tokens: On the destination EVM (EVM2), the Bridge Factory awaits the arrival of bridge data from both CCIP and Layer Zero.
Upon receiving identical data from CCIP and Layer Zero, confirming the integrity and authenticity of the transaction, the Bridge Factory on EVM2 processes the token claim.
If there is a discrepancy in the data received from CCIP and Layer Zero, the bridge process is halted, and the token claim is rejected to prevent any invalid transactions.
This dual-verification process by CCIP and Layer Zero ensures that the bridging action is valid and that the tokens on the destination chain are minted only after thorough confirmation of the bridge data integrity.
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